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The Wet Cell

The Wet Cell

"The sands of Atlantis have all washed away... but the analog man will be back one day."
--- Orleans

I spent the 90's in Virginia Beach, a block off the ocean in a modest studio apartment situated about half way between the A.R.E and the Heritage store. When I left my home in Ithaca, I went to da beach with the express purpose of trying to unravel the mystery of one of Edgar Cayce’s most enigmatic concepts from the health readings; the Wet Cell. According to what I knew at the time, this was a bio-magnetic battery which was designed to rebuild nerve tissue, which would in turn address all degenerative disorders. Cool I thought, but if the concept is valid, then why hadn't anyone been able to demonstrate it during the decades since Cayce's passing in 1945? Well, to shorten a rather lengthy story, either the concept was non-viable, or no one had taken the time to follow the specs in the readings on the component nature. It didn't take to long to access the latter was the case, but still, what would happen if someone did follow the suggestions in the readings, and how would you determine how to use it if it did work? Throwing a bit of caution to the wind, I figured I would roll the proverbial dice and see what would happen.

What happened was that over the following decade, and without any assistance from associated individuals or organizations, several people recovered from what the medical community classifies as "incurable" diseases. What happened after that is yet another rather long and tedious story, but suffice it to say that allowing for a 25 year stint to clear the air, I am ready to pick up where I left off. My hope is that with a little luck and some financial backing this time around, I will be able to "rejuvenate" this modality for the benefit of future generations. The readings suggest there are about 150 degenerative disorders which can be addressed with the Wet Cell, and I would be happy to demonstrate the concept for those ready to move it forward.

Detoxified Iodine

Detoxified Iodine 1/2 oz

1/2 oz. size

Detoxified Iodine 1 oz

1 oz. size

PRODUCT: Detoxified Iodine is your source for detoxified iodine. Now available in the 1 ounce size. This is the same electrically charged iodine which has set the standard in the industry in a one ounce bottle with synthetic dropper for ease of use and long term durability. Our iodine is reduced to a 1% concentration in 100% ethyl alcohol and electro-magnetically transmuted (while being suspended in a wet bath containing a mild acid solution) into the Atomic state. From there it is bottled in 1/2 oz. or 1 oz. (amber) dropper bottles and unless otherwise indicated, labeled and sealed with a full bottle heat shrink.

Detoxified Iodine 1/2 oz: 4-6 week supply
Detoxified Iodine 1 oz: 8-12 week supply
Take 1 drop in 3 to 6 oz water or topically for the first day, increasing 1 drop each day for 5 days. Give yourself 2 days off and then repeat for five days. Follow this routine for three weeks. Then you can take 5 drops daily and work your way up slowly as long as there is no discomfort. Most people stabilize at 8 to 10 drops daily; some may need up to 12 to 15 drops. Once you have raised your levels, it may be okay to cut back a bit and it's okay to skip a day once in a while.

8 am to 12 noon on an empty stomach 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals, medications and/or supplements. Taking it after 4 pm could raise your energy levels and leave you not being able to sleep at night.

1% Iodine Crystals in Ethyl Alcohol
(200 micrograms iodine per drop)


  • Detoxified Iodine - Single 1/2 oz. bottle - $20 each
    Shipping $2.50 per bottle
  • Detoxified Iodine - Single 1 oz. dropper bottle - $35 each
    Shipping $7.50 per bottle
  • Detoxified Iodine - Five-Pack (5) 1/2 oz. bottles - $75 ($15.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $7.50 per five pack
  • Detoxified Iodine - Half Case (50) 1/2 oz. bottles - $350 ($7.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $15.00 per half case
  • Detoxified Iodine - Full Case (125) 1/2 oz. bottles - $625 ($5.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $20.00 per full case
  • Detoxified Iodine - Case (40) 1 oz. dropper bottles - $600 ($15.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $20.00 per case


  • Detoxified Iodine - Single 1/2 oz. bottle - $20 each
    Shipping $7.50 per bottle
  • Detoxified Iodine - Single 1 oz. dropper bottle - $35 each
    Shipping $20.00 per bottle
  • Detoxified Iodine - Five-Pack (5) 1/2 oz. bottles - $75 ($15.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $20.00 per five pack
  • Detoxified Iodine - Half Case (50) 1/2 oz. bottles - $350 ($7.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $300.00 per half case
  • Detoxified Iodine - Full Case (125) 1/2 oz. bottles - $625 ($5.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $300.00 per full case
  • Detoxified Iodine - Case (40) 1 oz. dropper bottles - $600 ($15.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $300.00 per case

Karma Cleanse

Karma Cleanse

PRODUCT: Karma Cleanse is your source for Karma Cleanse. This blood-cleansing tonic includes detoxified iodine and fluid extract of wild cherry bark, stillingia, yellow dock root, poke root, burdock root, as well as syrup made with beet sugar. Each 6 oz. bottle provides a three-month supply. For more information about this tonic, click here.

Take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day.

Karma Cleanse comes in an 6-ounce bottle, which provides you with 48 servings, an approximate 6-week supply.


  • Karma Cleanse - One (1) 6 oz. bottle - $50.00
    Shipping $10.00 per bottle
  • Karma Cleanse - Three-Pack (3) 6 oz. bottles - $100.00 ($33.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $15.00 per 3-pack
  • Karma Cleanse - Twelve-Pack (12) 6 oz. bottles - $300.00 ($25.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $20.00 per 12-pack
  • Karma Cleanse - Twenty-Four-Pack (24) 6 oz. bottles - $600.00 ($25.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $25.00 per 24-pack


  • Karma Cleanse - One (1) 6 oz. bottle - $50.00
    Shipping $20.00 per bottle
  • Karma Cleanse - Three-Pack (3) 6 oz. bottles - $100.00 ($33.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $40.00 per 3-pack
  • Karma Cleanse - Twelve-Pack (12) 6 oz. bottles - $300.00 ($25.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $300.00 per 12-pack
  • Karma Cleanse - Twenty-Four-Pack (24) 6 oz. bottles - $600.00 ($25.00 per bottle)
    Shipping $450.00 per 12-pack

Trans-dermal Magnesium Spray

PRODUCT: Trans-dermal Magnesium Spray

Commonly referred to as "Magnesium Oil," I recently came across the fellow who gave it that name, and after some discussion I decided to drop the "oil" connotation. After all, I want to present the products I'm carrying in the clearest and most unambiguous way I can, and although this clear liquid is thicker than water, it's certainly not an oil. Now, as is the case with anything you put on or in your body, the first thing you want to make sure of is that it's not full of stuff you don't want on or in your body, right? That's why it's important to look for what's called pharmaceutical grade. Next, you have to try and figure out if this is something you need or might be deficient in, and if it's in a form the body can recognize and assimilate. Let's face it; people often times tell you what they think you want to hear in order to get your order, and if you do a search on magnesium oil you'll find lots of information touting its virtues. What I suggest is you ask the still, small voice within for real guidance, and if it resonates then give it a try. If you have to rely on me or anyone else for that matter to talk you into it, then you're surrendering the most powerful force in earth; your free will. Once you've tried it let me know what you think, as I'm also interested in learning from customer feedback.


  • Magnesium Spray - Single (1) 4 oz. bottles - $7.50 each
    Shipping $10.00 per bottle
  • Magnesium Spray - Single (1) 1/2 gallon bottles - $75.00 each
    Shipping $60.00 per bottle


  • Magnesium Spray - Single (1) 4 oz. bottles - $7.50 each
    Shipping $15.00 per bottle
  • Magnesium Spray - Single (1) 1/2 gallon bottles - $75.00 each
    Shipping $60.00 per bottle

Digest-Aid Tonic

Digest-Aid Tonic

PRODUCT: Digest-Aid Tonic

In the Cayce readings Mandrake and Buchu extracts were always used in conjunction with one another. In this particular tonic we get the opportunity to experience these two rather unusual vibrations, and probably for the first time. Taken together and blended with Wild Cherry bark, Sarsaparilla extracts, along with Tolu Balsam in the normal water and alcohol rendering, this is a classic Cayce tonic for addressing one half of the overall gastro-intestinal tract balancing act, the other half being eliminations. Volumes have been written about the digestion process, and every year millions of people spend enormous amounts of time, energy, and of course money in an attempt to correct digestive imbalances with the allopathic model. Quite naturally this only complicates the issue. Of course I'm not enough of a martyr to say the Cayce perspective was more insightful then all of the kings horses and all the kings men, but then if it doesn't put you back together again you can always get a refund from me. When's the last time you heard that from a doctor?


  • Digest-Aid Tonic - Single (1) 6 oz. bottles - $20.00 each
    Shipping $10.00 per bottle
  • Digest-Aid Tonic - Ten-pack (10) 6 oz. bottles - $100.00 each
    Shipping $20.00 per pack


  • Digest-Aid Tonic - Single (1) 6 oz. bottles - $20.00 each
    Shipping $15.00 per bottle
  • Digest-Aid Tonic - Ten-pack (10) 6 oz. bottles - $100.00 each
    Shipping $60.00 per pack

Breathe Deeply Inhalant

Breathe Deeply Inhalant

PRODUCT: Breathe Deeply Inhalant

Here's a concept from days gone by; an Inhalant! All you people with sinus congestion better start with clearing out your color though as this product is more about the lungs, or more specifically, stimulating the alveoli. It's a combination of rectified (meaning clarified) creosote and oil of turp, which are both specific forms of pine sap, benzoin, which is another tree sap but native to South Asia, Tolu Balsam and Eucalyptus. This isn't something you would ever take internally, and Mr. Cayce even suggested sticking a short piece of hose into a half-empty bottle and the other end in your nose to maximize the effect of the vapors. As this is the latest on my list of product resurrections I haven't gotten much feedback yet, but I feel confident this product, like all of the rest, will escape the darkness and eventually resurface into the light of consciousness!


  • Breathe Deeply Inhalant - Single (1) 2 oz. in a 4 oz. bottle - $15.00 each
    Shipping $10.00 per bottle
  • Breathe Deeply Inhalant - Ten-pack (10) 2 oz. in 4 oz. bottles - $75.00 each
    Shipping $20.00 per pack


  • Breathe Deeply Inhalant - Single (1) 2 oz. in a 4 oz. bottle - $15.00 each
    Shipping $20.00 per bottle
  • Breathe Deeply Inhalant - Ten-pack (10) 2 oz. in 4 oz. bottles - $75.00 each
    Shipping $60.00 per pack

Sulfur Salts

Sulfur Salts

PRODUCT: Sulfur Salts

During the last few months I've been enveloped in bringing back several of the basic Cayce products, and very few of them are more basic then Sulfur Salts. It consists of equal amounts of Sulfur Salt, Cream of Tartar, and Rochelle Salts, which were to be dissolved in hot water or tea. This product's primary function is to assist with the removal of heavy metals from the body. Having been a professional house painter myself for my entire youth, I was particularly interested in trying this product out in hopes of finally resolving some very deep-seated issues I had been carrying around with me for some time. About the only thing I didn't try to get beyond the folly of my younger years was the cost prohibitive intravenous chelating, but to my surprise the Sulfur Salts appear to be unraveling the mystery that has befuddled me for the past 25 years. The added bonus is they also seem to be able to clear out the receptor sites like those on the thyroids designed to capture iodine, and that also has been a long term challenge of mine. Is it possible the lowly Sulfur Salts hold the key to these fundamental issues that have plagued humanity for so long? In truth there is only one way to know for sure.


  • Sulfur Salts - Single (1) 3 oz. bottles - $15.00 each
    Shipping $7.50 per bottle
  • Sulfur Salts - Ten-pack (10) 3 oz. bottles - $100.00 each
    Shipping $20.00 per pack


  • Sulfur Salts - Single (1) 3 oz. bottles - $15.00 each
    Shipping $15.00 per bottle
  • Sulfur Salts - Ten-pack (10) 3 oz. bottles - $100.00 each
    Shipping $50.00 per pack

Cletus' Colitis Tonic

Cletus' Colitis Tonic

PRODUCT: Cletus' Colitis Tonic

Recreating some of the tonics Cayce spoke about during the 20's and 30's opens a door to a simpler time when people were more connected to nature. It's really only been since that time that society got caught up in trying to circumvent what comes from the earth by synthesizing the elements around us. Virtually every facet of society concerned with maintaining an equilibrium with the creative forces is now returning to naturally occurring vibrations. Yehaw to that, and the Cletus' Colitis Tonic! With extracts from the wild Ginger plant, American Ginseng, and the obscure but powerful Stillingia herb, along with the enzymatic influence of lactated pepsin, this is a throwback to a time and place the body recognizes. So please, forgive us oh Lord for trying to take a short cut to our health and well being, as we forgive those who conned us into thinking we could somehow buy our way into that stairway to heaven. Can I get an Amen?


  • Cletus' Colitis Tonic - Single (1) 6 oz. bottles - $20.00 each
    Shipping $4.50 per bottle
  • Cletus' Colitis Tonic - Three-pack (3) 6 oz. bottles - $50.00 each
    Shipping $15.00 per pack


  • Cletus' Colitis Tonic - Single (1) 6 oz. bottles - $20.00 each
    Shipping $10.00 per bottle
  • Cletus' Colitis Tonic - Three-pack (3) 6 oz. bottles - $50.00 each
    Shipping $40.00 per pack

Passion Flower Fusion

Passion Flower Fusion

PRODUCT: Passion Flower Fusion

Not unlike the rest of the products from the Cayce readings, when made correctly, the Passion Flower Fusion has a clear and present impact upon the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. Its primary function is to restore balance by means of better coordination between the cerebra-spinal and sympathetic nervous systems. In so doing, various pressures resulting in issues ranging from digestion and sleep imbalances, to the more serious issues such as seizures, were addressed in the Cayce perspective. Of course, I'm not at liberty to make assertions, and even if I were, a true facilitator remains outside the realm of overt marketing. Instead, I leave the product to speak for it self. I can say it was normally taken a tablespoon at a time, and as often as four times a day in some 90 readings where it was suggested. It tastes a bit like a piece of bark, but I think you'll see for yourself it's inherent viability once you give it a go. If it fails to impress you simply return the unused portion for a full refund.


  • Passion Flower Fusion - Single (1) 4 oz. bottles - $15.00 each
    Shipping $10.00 per bottle
  • Passion Flower Fusion - Ten-pack (10) 4 oz. bottles - $100.00 each
    Shipping $20.00 per pack


  • Passion Flower Fusion - Single (1) 4 oz. bottles - $15.00 each
    Shipping $20.00 per bottle
  • Passion Flower Fusion - Ten-pack (10) 4 oz. bottles - $100.00 each
    Shipping $60.00 per pack

Samson's Hair Tonic

Samson's Hair Tonic

PRODUCT: Samson's Hair Tonic

Can a tonic restore natural hair color to those who have turned grey? When someone (reading 636-1) asked Mr. Cayce about that his answer must have come as a surprise to many.

This inner-galactic blend of Pepsin, Black Snake Root, American Ginseng, Liver Extract, and Detoxified iodine may have seemed simple enough at the time, but not unlike the mysterious Hall of Records buried beneath the Sphinx, it has eluded the grasp of all would be producers for decades. You see, it can only be unearthed by someone of pure intentions and matching vibrational moral ethics, untainted by the sirens of fame and fortune.

The readings suggest a half teaspoonful, three times a day, just after meals for ten days and then leaving it off for five days. Repeating this sequence it may take several weeks or even months to recalculate the endocrine balance and allow for the new hair to grow out, depending upon the given circumstances. Let me caution my readers again here that there are no short cuts to reaching this destination, and by trying to speed up the process you will be subjecting yourself to discomfort and irregularity by attempting such; i.e., enjoy the journey.

As always, I am not at liberty to make any claims as to the effectiveness of a Cayce product, but let me say that I am continually amazed at the Cayce formulas and their ability to influence the body in the ways and manners suggested in the readings when produced and used accordingly. In fact, in my initial testing of this tonic not only was hair color restored, but actually grown in a natural and healthy way. If indeed it worked for everyone that way as is suggested in the readings, could you even put a price on that?


  • Samson's Hair Tonic (One 4-oz Bottle) - $20.00 each
    Shipping $10.00 per bottle
  • Samson's Hair Tonic (10-pack) - $150.00 ($15 per bottle)
    Shipping $20.00 per ten-pack


  • Samson's Hair Tonic (One 4-oz bottle) - $20.00 each
    Shipping $20.00 per bottle
  • Samson's Hair Tonic (10-pack) - $150.00 ($15 per bottle)
    Shipping $60.00 per ten-pack

Organic Castor Oil Packs

Organic Castor Oil Packs

PRODUCT: The "No Mess" Castor Oil Packs


  • 4" x 5" wool flannel inside a (cut-away) plastic zip bag for easy use
  • Small size ice bag for hot water
  • Information Sheet
  • 4 ounce flip top bottle of Organic Castor Oil
  • 3 ounce bottle of Organic Castor Oil

Seeing as the Cayce readings were all about detoxing the body, it's not surprising that they led the way with the idea of loosening up the colon with castor oil packs. In Cayce's day castor oil was administered by the mothers across the country to help keep their children's bowels moving. There were a couple of problems though. First of all castor oil has an unpalatable taste and consistency. Secondly, much of it is broken down in the stomach by acids designed to break down food. Remarkably, it still worked pretty well, which is a testament to how little oil is actually needed to get things moving. Mr. Cayce took a good idea and made it better by promoting a safe method to introduce this "healing" oil through the skin at the location of the body where it could be of the most benefit. Be it his discussion of the ileocecal valve (the sphincter valve between the small and large intestine), or the drain down between the liver and gall duct, or how un-kinking the colon would send a signal to the preyers patches and ultimately the rest of the lymphatic system, the use of the castor oil pack opened the door for a heightened understanding of the human body and set the stage for lifting global consciousness.

So then, where did we go wrong? Two things really; failure to make the packs as they were suggested in the readings which ultimately led to the individual's inability to get much out of it. Let me ask you something: Have you ever seen an ileocecal valve? This thing is tiny. Practically unnoticeable when reviewing the human body, yet the readings repeatedly stress the importance of keeping this intestinal regulator functioning normally. When it's stuck open there's no back pressure within the lower G.I. tract, and when it's stuck shut, the resulting leaching can poison the underlying mesenteric nerve plexus, which Cayce refers to as the brain of the central nervous system, resulting and/or contributing to a host of disorders, imbalances, and degenerative disorders. Addressing the ileocecal valve is amongst the most vital factors of the human condition to those familiar with the body and how it works, and this is but one example of how the castor oil pack can be used to affect a beneficial result.

Now, let's look at the castor oil pack being made commercially. It's a virtual wrap size-wise for most people, and it's promoted to be used with enormous amounts of castor oil. History has already shown us that only tiny amounts of oil are needed to get things moving, so why the "more is better" philosophy here? Once again the usual culprits are to blame; greed and ignorance. Greed from the purveyors who want to sell you more, and the ignorance from the rest of us. The castor oil pack has fallen from favor primarily because it's too big and messy, and once the oil gets on your sheets and furniture, it does not come out due to it's permeating nature. The instructors at the Cayce massage school teach their students to use these packs with layers of plastic, old towels, and electric heating pads. In so doing they have undermined the most basic law of the Cayce health/illness discussion which is that people need to take responsibility for their own well-being. Making it so complicated only assures the opposite will happen.

Despite all this the castor oil pack was quite effective at delivering the castor oil into the body of those using it for the past 80 years. However, when you stop to consider this oil comes from South America where there are no rules or regulations pertaining to the use of herbicides and pesticides, you begin to understand why the collective unconscious of the tens of thousands who ascribed to this doctrine, ultimately let it go. In a cruel twist of fate, the very people who were trying to eliminate toxins, may have been doing just the opposite. Interestingly enough, Mr. Cayce warned us on many occasions that anything which held potential to benefit the body, when abused or misused, held the equal and opposite potential.

I, for one, want to try this concept again, only this time I'll use a small pack I can control, and the organic castor oil aligned with the Cayce perspective. Maybe this time the results will be different.


  • Organic Castor Oil Pack - $35.00 each
    Shipping $7.50 per castor oil pack


  • Organic Castor Oil Pack - $35.00 each
    Shipping $20.00 per castor oil pack


Clarity/Sage or Clary Water

PRODUCT: Clarity/Sage

CONTENTS: Clary Flower, Ambergris, Cinnamon, Jupiter, Gin, Sugar Beet Syrup.

1/2 Teaspoon 30 minutes before each meal
5 days On : 2 days Off

Formally known as clary water, this was Edgar's Tonic for stimulating the pancreas and thereby addressing diabetes. As I make no claims as to the viability of any of the Cayce products, I nonetheless felt it was time to take a closer look at how America's most beloved sensitive dealt with it, but first let me tell you the story of Ambergris. The sperm whale is one of only two whales which can dive deep into the blackened depths of the ocean. It does so to look for it's favorite food; the giant squid with it's amazing bio-resonance radar system it tracks down the squid, and upon locating one they have no chance of escape. The digestion process has one obstacle to overcome: the beak of the squid, which is both hard and pointed. As the beak passes thru the alimentary canal the whale secrets an oily goo to protect the lining which later on is expelled via their blow-hole. The oily film rides upon the surface of the ocean eventually jelling into chunks which ultimately wash up on shore. This is Ambergris, and it's powerful fragrance was so sought after by French perfumers, the sperm whale was nearby hunted into extinction. Fortunately, the search for Ambergris nuggets along the shoreline provides us with an ample supply, and due to strict regulations protecting this giant beauty, it's making a successful comeback as a result. Anyway, a small amount of ambergris is called for in this tonic, which acts as the catalyst with these ingredients. But does it work? Even if it did (or more accurately, especially if it does work) I would not be the person to say so, as in the true scientific model I am here only to observe your findings.


  • Clarity/Sage (One 4-oz Bottle) - $25.00 each
    Shipping $7.50 per bottle
  • Clarity/Sage (5-pack) - $100.00
    Shipping $15.00 per five-pack


  • Clarity/Sage (One 4-oz Dropper Bottle) - $25.00 each
    Shipping $15.00 per bottle
  • Clarity/Sage (5-pack) - $100.00
    Shipping $35.00 per five-pack

Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm

Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm

PRODUCT: Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm

Carrying on with the Cayce precept that there are only four essential elements (water, salt, soda, and iodine) and that with these four the body can perform all of its functions, and taking into consideration that of all the products set forth in the readings this is the only one which incorporates each of these primary elements, you can begin to see why this is such an important concept. Let's also remember that back in Cayce's day oral hygiene was not emphasized nearly as much as it is today, and consequently the readings were making an attempt to bridge the veritable gap between tooth and gum, where bacteria easily upsets the natural equilibrium between the two, rubbing the area with a disinfecting balm only made good sense. Beginning with the (real) salt and soda tooth powder, and a touch of good tasting peppermint oil, the balm also includes a bit of Mr. Cayce's once again popular detoxified iodine to keep down the bacteria count as well as just enough prickly ash bark extract to turn the blend into a gooey paste. This was one of a handful of products which was originally going to be marketed by the Home Health branch of the organization, but somehow was left on the drawing board until now. The only question left to answer is does this simple product hold promise of not only maintaining the interface between the tooth and gum along with revealing the inner workings of human cosmology? There's only one way to know for sure.


  • Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm (One 2-oz tub) - $10.00 each
    Shipping $10.00 per tub
  • Ten-Pack Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm (10 2-oz tubs) - $75.00 each 10-pack
    Shipping $15.00 per 10-pack


  • Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm (One 2-oz tub) - $10.00 each
    Shipping $15.00 per tub
  • Ten-Pack Chewy's Tooth and Gum Balm (10 2-oz tubs) - $75.00 each 10-pack
    Shipping $40.00 per 10-pack

Budsky's Hemorrhoid Cream

Budsky's Hemorrhoid Cream

PRODUCT: Budsky's Hemorrhoid Cream

People who've never experienced hemorrhoids like to tease those suffering from the imbalance with comments like; "put that cream where the sun don't shine," but really, for those going through it, it's no laughing matter. Of course you've got to control your diet, not to mention let go of whatever it is you seem to be retaining anally, but in the mean time how do you get some relief? Mr. Cayce returned to the common sense board with this concept using butterfat or gee as the carrier of a particular type of tobacco; snuff. This kind of tobacco is particularly good as an astringent, shrinking the pockets built up in and around the anus. Budsky's also contains benzoin to assist with re-establishing the interface between the deep and superficial circulation, and a bit of detoxified iodine to kill off bacteria. If you've got the gumption, you apply it with your finger, or if you prefer you can always use a cotton swab.


  • Budsky's Hemorrhoid Cream (One 1/2-oz tub) - $15.00 each
    Shipping $5.00 per tub
  • Ten-pack Budsky's Hemorrhoid Cream (10 1/2-oz tubs) - $100.00 each ten-pack
    Shipping $15.00 per ten-pack


  • Budsky's Hemorrhoid Cream (One 1/2-oz tub) - $15.00 each
    Shipping $15.00 per tub
  • Ten-pack Budsky's Hemorrhoid Cream (10 1/2-oz tubs) - $100.00 each ten-pack
    Shipping $40.00 per ten-pack

The Radial Device

Radial Device

PRODUCT: The Radial Device

I've talked a lot about this idea over the years and probably sold as many units as the rest of the builders combined and without any advertising, marketing, or formal endorsement from any the official bodies. This is the concept I started out with when I first met Lestor Babcoke (my early mentor) back around 1980. It's also what I consider kind of the guts of the whole persona to anybody into this stuff. That's because it's the only apparatus which Cayce recommends for everyone. Interestingly enough it's also the only apparatus which you can't share with someone else. I could drone on and on about the Radial and I do to some extent in my book, but this is one of those concepts most people are not quite up to speed with. What do I mean by that? Well, this is an idea which obsvicates virtually all of the programming we've had about health and illness since day one. By that I mean it doesn't do anything to you. Rather it enhances the bodies own natural ability to balance its own overall energy patterns which Mr. Cayce connotated with blood pressure and pulse rate. It is the most powerful tool I know of for raising consciousness and quite possibly still several more decades ahead of its time. We literally have to go back to the days of Ra Ta to pick up on the window of awareness which opens up with this particular idea. Need I say less? I'm not even sure if I'm ready for that.


  • The Radial Device - $400 each
    Shipping $15.00 each


  • The Radial Device - $400 each
    Shipping $100.00 each

All product prices include basic product information.


There are two ways to order our product:

Order Method 1) Please make check or money order out to:

Phil Thomas
3 Lakeview Ave.
Jamestown, NY 14701
(407) 965-9903

NOTE: No checks from outside the United States. Please use postal money orders made out in U.S. funds.

Order Method 2) You may pay by credit card using Paypal. The Paypal e-mail address is this e-mail address. Please use our shopping cart above to pay with Paypal.


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